The journey began here. Follow along to the next chapter with....


Peanut's first road trip....

Well, other than being cold, Saturday was a particularly gorgeous day. So we planned a surprise road trip with two friends. Ok, so I had been thinking about Louis' Lunch and their burgers out in New Haven, Connecticut. But when we got there, we found out Celtica had stopped serving High Tea and Louis' Lunch was closed. So ended up settling for a short stack of pancakes, Irish bacon and sausages. So it was Peanut's first official road trip.

Peanut is behaving itself. Occationally it gives me indigestion like symptoms when it gets the urge to exercise. It's all still very new and a little unsettling at times. Food is still unappatizing. Six months seems such a long time and the idea of this thing growing bigger is really unpleasant at times. It feels like my body is producing all this excess hormones so I'll stay in a state of hormone induced bliss when my mind in screaming for this thing to get out already. Couldn't I just have the baby w/o all the other stuff? I haven't changed my mind, pregnancy still grosses me out.

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