The journey began here. Follow along to the next chapter with....


Could it really be?

I couldn't believe it! I felt energized, human, somewhat normal! I actually felt like running and skipping and doing all sorts of cheerful stuff! I enjoyed socializing with people for a change instead of hiding behind my computer at work. I guess it is true and I have finally entered that long anticipated blissful period of the 2nd trimester. Yet I still find it hard to believe.

I finally went out to dinner with my friend. God I missed hanging out with her. Unfortunately the one thing we always enjoyed, eating out, has become rather difficult since I can't enjoy food anymore. I'm still suffering from the whole eating issue. Can't stand the sight, smell, taste, or idea of food but I'm hungry all the time. Despite the food issue and it was simply nice to be able to enjoy a night out with a friend.

With a few exceptions. My feet were swollen, I was too thirsty, and it was way too early in the evening to feel so tired. Will I ever be normal again? And I have more of this to look forward to? I'll be honest, I would like my body to return to normal where I'm in control of it. But for now, I have no choice but to deal with it one day at a time. Maybe it's my impatience to just get it over and done with but I can't wait for this baby to be born already.

Well, I'm off to bed, it's only Monday night. I still have four more days until the week ends.

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