The journey began here. Follow along to the next chapter with....


Little willy wonka

Today was our first anatomy scan @ 19 weeks. The baby is looking normal at 9 oz (forgot how many inches) though the feet is 1 and a half inches now. The heart looked good. Everything looked normal. Except towards the end, the baby had enough and decided to show it's displeasure at being sonogrammed by punching me. I saw it on the scan! It wasn't trying to cover it's face or waving it's arm but punching me. I felt it ok and then saw it with my own eyes. Opinionated little thing and it hasn't even been born yet.

Now that you know the baby is doing's the thing you've been dying to ask...yes it was right there. I thought I can't be seeing what I'm seeing but there it was, waving it's little willy wonka for the world to see. I started to cry because I was shocked. How else do you react when God gives you exactly what you've always wanted? I just couldn't believe it. Which is why of most of the pictures the woman gave us had his private parts labeled all over them.

Then came the realization the we don't have a name or that I was really preparing myself for a girl so as not to be disappointed or impose my want on the baby that now I don't know what I'm going to do with a boy! I was getting excited about a girl. Now I have to rethink everything. I tried that word out, "my son", it's my son in there. I'm going to have a boy. That is just wild!

I'm excited. I can't wait to see my parents. I really wish my in-laws were here too. I miss them very much. Am I the only person who really really likes and loves their in-laws? It would be nice to just call and talk to my sisters-in-law. I was sitting here writing a list for the baby shower and realized that nearly half the ppl I would like to invite are on the other side of the ocean. That just made me sad.

I never really had grandparents. My son will have two sets. I had my maternal grandmother. My paternal one wasn't really around much and she was more excited about my brother than me anyway. Maybe because she already had too many granddaughters. But when I think about it, I can't help but thank God for how much he has blessed me. My son is coming along well despite the fact that I'm not eating much (he won't let me) or haven't really put on much weight (not that I'm complaining). My baby is healthy and I can't wait to meet him.

We're working on getting the pictures scanned so we can post them on here. Until then....we're off.


A few nights ago Shazriel woke up at 2am. Our apartment gets very warm and she was hot (what am I saying? She's ALWAYS smoking hot! but that's another story!) so anyway, after opening a few windows and discarding covers etc. she was cool enough to sleep (I on the other hand am ALWAYS cooooool!) but by that time Peanut was well and truly awake and was intent on using Shazriel's insides as a ninja training gymnasium.

So we tried an experiment, I gently stroked the area and spoke softly to it. It worked! After a minute or so Peanut calmed down and my wife was able to sleep. That was cool!

It's kind of strange chatting to a belly. Particularly one which smells of hot chocolate thanks to the cocoa butter lotion. I can never think of anything to say. We tried reading Psalms to it, I think we'll be doing that more often.


Could it really be?

I couldn't believe it! I felt energized, human, somewhat normal! I actually felt like running and skipping and doing all sorts of cheerful stuff! I enjoyed socializing with people for a change instead of hiding behind my computer at work. I guess it is true and I have finally entered that long anticipated blissful period of the 2nd trimester. Yet I still find it hard to believe.

I finally went out to dinner with my friend. God I missed hanging out with her. Unfortunately the one thing we always enjoyed, eating out, has become rather difficult since I can't enjoy food anymore. I'm still suffering from the whole eating issue. Can't stand the sight, smell, taste, or idea of food but I'm hungry all the time. Despite the food issue and it was simply nice to be able to enjoy a night out with a friend.

With a few exceptions. My feet were swollen, I was too thirsty, and it was way too early in the evening to feel so tired. Will I ever be normal again? And I have more of this to look forward to? I'll be honest, I would like my body to return to normal where I'm in control of it. But for now, I have no choice but to deal with it one day at a time. Maybe it's my impatience to just get it over and done with but I can't wait for this baby to be born already.

Well, I'm off to bed, it's only Monday night. I still have four more days until the week ends.


Peanut's first road trip....

Well, other than being cold, Saturday was a particularly gorgeous day. So we planned a surprise road trip with two friends. Ok, so I had been thinking about Louis' Lunch and their burgers out in New Haven, Connecticut. But when we got there, we found out Celtica had stopped serving High Tea and Louis' Lunch was closed. So ended up settling for a short stack of pancakes, Irish bacon and sausages. So it was Peanut's first official road trip.

Peanut is behaving itself. Occationally it gives me indigestion like symptoms when it gets the urge to exercise. It's all still very new and a little unsettling at times. Food is still unappatizing. Six months seems such a long time and the idea of this thing growing bigger is really unpleasant at times. It feels like my body is producing all this excess hormones so I'll stay in a state of hormone induced bliss when my mind in screaming for this thing to get out already. Couldn't I just have the baby w/o all the other stuff? I haven't changed my mind, pregnancy still grosses me out.