The journey began here. Follow along to the next chapter with....


Parenting on the go....

So yesterday we had to go to BabysRus and get some groceries among other things. By the time CMC was fed, changed, and packed up to go it was nearly noon. The plan was to stop by BabysRus and pick up a nasal aspirator then drive to Stop n Shop and pick up some cereal. We were going to go to the mall, run some errands in Macy's and then have lunch before heading off to Shoprite for groceries. That was the plan.

By the time we got to Macy's that plan changed. Right among the luggage section, there was a loud ripping noise and a foul smell that said the baby was doing his business and would need to be changed. So off we went to look for a restroom. Not my idea since I don't like public restrooms and avoid using them whenever I can. Then he started to fuss and his eyes started to open.

Mind you, the reason we went to BabysRus in the first place was because CMC has a bit of a cold. So he was a just a little cranky. Sleeping baby in public is easy to deal with. People ooh and ahh over them and you just smile and wave and go your merry way. Then I had a brilliant idea to slip into the fitting room and give him a quick change. I happen to be in the section where the extra large women's clothings were and thought, I could grab an item and pretend to go try it on. Then I looked at me and the clothes and thought, why bother....who would be convinced looking at me that I'm trying on the clothes.

So I just high tailed it to the fitting room. By then, my poor son had started crying a little hysterically. Mind you, my son doesn't really cry or fuss much unless he wants changing or feeding, mostly when he just wants food. So I had to do a quick change and then breastfeed. I fed him until he was sufficiently satisfied and then we left the fitting room. Since he didn't want to be put back into his car seat, I had to work out how to maneuver a stroller while holding a baby, not easy when you're new at this sort of thing.

So lunch idea got tossed because I just didn't feel comfortable carrying him through the mall. We did a quick stop in the Wendy's drive thru and then off to Shoprite to finish our errands.

We had decided from the very beginning that we weren't going to be the kinds of parents whose lives end the moment their children are born. We are on the go kind of people and being housebound 24/7 would be hard on both of us. So yesterday was my first experience of on the go parenting. I also learned that when you have a cute baby to feed, you can get away with anything.

Well my son is fussing, think he wants food or changing. Then we're off to the park for a stroll...

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