The journey began here. Follow along to the next chapter with....


Six week countdown begins....

I can't believe that my due date is only six weeks away. I've finally entered the 34th week. It seems only yesterday when I was less than 10 weeks into this pregnancy. Now the belly is bulging and I can barely move! My joints ache and I don't think Christopher should be moving as much as he does! Granted, all the movement is a good thing butt seriously, how much does the boy think I can stretch? Even now, he's busy trying to turn over.

We had our baby shower this weekend. Learned a lesson there. One should never interfere in the planning of their own baby shower. The stress is just too much. I wanted to go see Star Trek but it didn't quite workout that way. Christopher, suffice it to say has gotten plenty of presents. He'll be a very clean well dressed baby. Good for him! I just want him to stop trying to punch his way through my skin!!!

I have finally found the part of this pregnancy that I really hate. This is uncomfortable and painful. Well, maybe because I'm so tired that I'm ready to pass out. Finally done with the birthing class. It was really quite nice and we met two other lovely prospective parents. But at least my late nights are done for now. On that note, I'm going to bed before I really pass out in front of this computer. I'll have to wait until later to post my summery of the class.

If you have never attended a birthing class, I highly recommend doing so. You can never educate yourself enough. When it comes to something as important as the birth of your child, you can't afford to approach it in ignorance. Well, I'm off to bed, I can barely keep my eyes open long enough to even finish this blog post.

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