The journey began here. Follow along to the next chapter with....


Progressing onwards.....

It's been a long while since I posted, how remiss of me. What can I say, I haven't really had much to say.

So let's see where are we. Oh yes, we're now at 24 weeks and 6 calendar months. Can't believe how fast time is flying. On a vain note, I must say, my son has been good to me. My hair has never looked more fantastic. I had good skin and teeth to begin with but they look even better these days. (Although I can't say the same for my hand-eye coordination since I just spilled milk on my laptop in the process of taking a sip!!!) Haven't had to buy any clothes either! Yea!!! I'm poor these days what with TeaMan still out of work so that's a big plus for me. I just wore my little Snoopy t-shirt (since it was a such a gorgeous day after a really lousy cold spell) and I must say, I did look good. Can't help it! After the nightmare images of thinking how pregnancy would blow me out of proportion, I'll take those good days when I do love the way I'm looking. I'm not vain at all so I don't know what your mind is insinuating!! ;)

A few weeks ago I felt as well as SAW Christopher move. It was very weird. I was sitting on my sofa (pretty much like right now) and watching TV. I had finished dinner. I looked down at my stomach (which was very visual through the Wolverine t-shirt I was wearing) and literally saw it move. TeaMan wasn't in the room so I called him to come see but by then my stomach wasn't moving. He left the room again and sure enough Christopher moved, but this time, I felt him move from one side of my stomach to the other and saw my stomach shake. Think the alien ripping out of the stomach of Ripley's crew in Aliens but not quite as ugly!! It was a very surreal experience.

I was writing the other day and I was just thinking about my son. I'm going to have a son. How cool is that? I'm getting used to the idea that I'm going to be a mother for the rest of my life. Today we took off for the NJ Botanical Garden up in Ringwood NJ. Gorgeous day and I couldn't help but think would we be able to do this sort of thing with Christopher. It was a nice thought and I must admit for a moment I really did wish it was a year from today so he would be here with us. I really like the fact that I take him everywhere with me. He's always with me.

He's had a growth spurt the last few weeks. Obviously I look pregnant these days, more than I did a few weeks ago. It's getting harder to hide it. I'm getting used to him moving. Sometimes when he doesn't move (relieved as I am for those moments) I find that I miss feeling his presence. I still don't like the physical restrictions on my body, the lack of control that pregnancy brings. But when I think of my son.....ha! It's still not worth it. If I could have him ready made, delivered to me, I'd do it. I'd be lucky if I can get my body back to what it used to be. But it's like everything else, you take the good with the bad.

On that note, I'm going to go finish my peaches. I seem to have developed a strange fondness for peaches.

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