The journey began here. Follow along to the next chapter with....


10 More Weeks to Go!!!!

It's been ages since I've posted. I know, I know, very remiss of me to not bother to keep updating this. It's not really easy to post every day since not much really happens. This is where we are so far....

We have started attending a birthing class for the Bradley Method. If you are pregnant and haven't taken a birthing class I really recommend doing so. I really like the class we're doing. It's very practical and informative. I was speaking with a co-worker the other day and we were talking about some of the things we were learning; the look on his face as he absorbed the information that I was repeating to him was really quite startling. It's true that pregnancy is different each time for each person but it can be so much scarier if you go into it not knowing what to expect, what's happening to your body, or what your rights are as a patient. I'll try to expand on each birthing class from here on out.

We also had out most recent check up at 30 weeks and 2 days and I'm happy to report that Christopher Madison is approximately 31 cm and I've gained more weight than I care to! Ok, realistically I only gained 4 lbs in over 4 weeks which was actually good. These days I feel him moving all the time and he does not stop! It's really cool but sometimes, it's really quite annoying and painful too! The other day I actually felt either a foot or a fist poke right through my skin into the palm of my hand. Which brings me to my cat, Cooper.

TeaMan and I both have a cat each. His is Rina and mine is Hero. Cooper was the spare kitten when we got him. Now it seems he's destined to become Christopher Madison's cat. Cooper likes to run up and sit on our lap for a cuddle whenever we are sitting on the sofa. So the other day, Cooper comes up for a cuddle while I was lying prone on the sofa trying to get comfortable. Eating is a real uncomfortable process these days. Cooper settles down on my stomach and starts purring loudly as usual. (Normally when he purrs you can hear him in the next room.) Lo and behold Christopher Madison moved with the sound of the purring. We experimented a few times to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Sure enough, today, as high as Christopher was wedged against my ribs and stomach, Cooper's purring brought him down lower in my belly.

I'm going to end now since my son has decided he's got to use me as a punching bag. He's moving quite violently now and it's getting far too uncomfortable to sit and type. So until next time...I promise!